libak  0.4.0
Initialization of character models using linear segmentation


void ak_initializer_free (akInitializer *ini)
 Frees memory.
akInitializer * ak_initializer_new (const akCModel *cmodel, const akSeqs *seqs, char **err)
 Gets an akInitializer.
int ak_init (akInitializer *ini, akCMiCounts *counts, const akFea *fea, const size_t seq)
 Initializes character models from a sample and its transcription.

Function Documentation

int ak_init ( akInitializer *  ini,
akCMiCounts counts,
const akFea fea,
const size_t  seq 

Initializes character models from a sample and its transcription.

This function linearly segments the input frames, according to the number of character of its transcription. According to this segmentation, character model counts are increased using ak_init_char. The transcription is specified as an integer code according to the sequence manager used during the creation of the auxiliary data.

countsInteger counts related to cmodel.
feaA feature vector manager, which must contain a sequence of feature vectors of an adequate type for the cmodel.
seqThe code of the character sequence related to fea.
0 if the sample has been successfully used to increase the character model counts or the minimum number of required frames.
void ak_initializer_free ( akInitializer *  ini)

Frees memory.

Frees the memory allocated for the initializer.

iniThe initializer.
akInitializer* ak_initializer_new ( const akCModel cmodel,
const akSeqs seqs,
char **  err 

Gets an akInitializer.

This function creates a new initializer used to initialize character models from samples and their transcriptions by linear segmentation. Currently supported types are: see ak_char_initializer_new.

cmodelThe character models.
seqsA character sequence manager containing the transcription of the samples.
errPointer to string variable. If not NULL an error message is allocated in the variable in case of error.
Initializer or NULL in case of error.
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