libak  0.4.0
Data Fields
akWordGraph Struct Reference

Word graph. More...

Data Fields

akFloat gsf
 The grammar scale factor which was used to generate this word graph.
akFloat wip
 The Word insertion penalty which was used to generate this word graph.
size_t NS
 Number of states.
size_t NE
 Number of edges.
size_t NSG
 Number of segments.
 Initial state.
 Final state.
 States of the word graph.
 Edges of the word graph.

Detailed Description

Word graph.

A word graph is collection of hypothesis represented as a graph, where states represent instants of time and the edges represent recognized words. Additionally the probability of each word is provided divided into language model probability and acoustic model probability.

Field Documentation

Edges of the word graph.

Final state.

The grammar scale factor which was used to generate this word graph.

Number of edges.

Number of states.

Number of segments.

Initial state.

States of the word graph.

The Word insertion penalty which was used to generate this word graph.

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