libak  0.4.0
Data Fields
akCModelTrans Union Reference

HMM transitions. More...

Data Fields

akCModelTransType type
 Type of transitions.
struct {
   akProbPair *   p
 Array of transitions.
 Data for LINEAL transitions.
struct {
   akCModelTransListState   init
 Outgoing transitions of the initial state.
   akCModelTransListState *   states
 Array of transitions.
 Data for LIST transitions.
struct {
   akCModelTrans *   ptr
 Pointer to the transition matrix.
 Data for POINTER transitions.

Detailed Description

HMM transitions.

Union used to store the transition matrix of an HMM.

Field Documentation

akCModelTransListState akCModelTrans::init

Outgoing transitions of the initial state.

struct { ... } akCModelTrans::lineal

Data for LINEAL transitions.

struct { ... } akCModelTrans::list

Data for LIST transitions.

akProbPair* akCModelTrans::p

Array of transitions.

For each state Q, p[Q] stores the outgoing transitions of Q, where P0 is the transition to the current state, and P1 to the next state.

struct { ... } akCModelTrans::pointer

Data for POINTER transitions.

akCModelTrans* akCModelTrans::ptr

Pointer to the transition matrix.

akCModelTransListState* akCModelTrans::states

Array of transitions.

For each conventional state Q, states[q] stores the outgoing transitions of Q.

akCModelTransType akCModelTrans::type

Type of transitions.

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